Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Another Questions about Food

We have question about chile food.What kind of alcohol do they like best?What is a popular dessert?What is the most popular snack among children?


Anonymous said...

Dear Eiko,

This is my first post. I hope you find it useful.There are two very popular drinks in Chile: Pisco Sour and Piscola. As you can see both are made of Pisco, an alcoholic beverage made of Muscat grapes.

Pisco Sour is a cocktail made of Pisco, lemon juice, egg white,sugar and ice all shaken hard or blended.

Piscola is Pisco and Coke.

I like Pisco sour but I don't drink Piscola. I also like Baileys, an Irish liquor.

To read more about that you can visit the following website of one of our main companies.

Beer is more and more common among young people because it is cheaper and the consumption of rum has increased in the past 10 years. Rum is made of sugarcane and it is not produced in Chile.

Some favorite desserts are "leche asada", "leche nevada" and "arroz con leche" all made of milk.
Many times a delicious sweet topping is added: "manjar" ( milk candy). That is something you will only find in Chile!It is made by slowly heating sweetened milk to create something similar in taste as caramel, but creamy.

In my opinion, some popular children snacks are crisps or potato chips,chocolate covered waffers, flavoured milk and juices.

Can you tell me what do you drink in social gatherings?



Anonymous said...

Thank you for your response!
We are glad to know our questions.

I will answer your question.

>Can you tell me what do you drink in social gatherings?

We usually drink beer. Beer is the most popular drink in Japan.

Most young people drink "chuhai" ( Japanese mild vodka with lemon soda)

In Japan, we are able to drink alcohol when we are 20 years old.

We are studying about Chile Food.
So can we ask some questions?

-How often do you drink alchohol?
-When do you drink alcohol?
-Can you buy alcohol easily?
-What are there traditional foods?

If you have other information about food, could you tell us?


Yuta, Yumi, Mai, Ayaka

Anonymous said...

In chile the best in alcohol are the wine. Our wine travel for all world.
We drink "ponche" is is prepared with wine and fruit like peach or pineapple.It is very sweet.

We drink beer too, Since a few years ago chile has a very good national beer called kunstman , is very good.

A very commun snack is "super 8" that is like a big cookie and "negritas" negrita is a cookie with vanilla cream and chocolate.

A very chilean dessert is "mote con huesillos" this is like a peach with a cereal very similar to rice called "mote"


maria jose

Anonymous said...

The chilean wine, is a drink of quality and international prestige. The wine could be white or red. It is harvest in Chilean valley. As well “Pisco” is a tipical Chilean drink .
Other popular drinks are “cola de mono” (made with milk, coffe and agua ardiente), “Pisco Sour” (lemon, pisco y sugar) and “vaina” (egg, coñac y cacao), “ponche a la romana” (piña, champaña de piña y helado de piña), el “jote” (wine with coke ), fantshop (fanta and beer), etc.The most popular youngs drink is the beer and ron.
Dessert you can find “la leche asada” (egg, sugar & milk), milk wtih rice, sémola con leche, tutti fruti (a mix of fruit), calzones rotos, alfajores, pajaritos, sopaipillas, etc. The kids like chips , yogurt, hot dog, rice whit chicken, puré con huevo, and icecream done with fruit base.